Physics Road contains a number of specimen trees with individual significance. Two very large Port Jackson Figs (Ficus rubiginosa f. rubiginosa) are located near the Sports Clinic. These figs are visually part of the Western Avenue group of Port Jackson Figs. These two specimens are significantly larger individuals (16 metres in height and 18-22 metres canopy spread).
The Physics Building, designed by Professor Leslie Wilkinson and built in 1924, is listed on the Register of the National Estate. The Italianate villa style facade appears to have been originally planted with a formal row of Port Jackson Cypress (Callitris rhomboidea). This is a rare example of this local native species being used in a formal plantation. Some of the remaining specimens (likely to be up to 80 years+) are of exceptional size and proportions for this species (up to 16 metres in height). Unfortunately, various phases of infill planting following losses, have introduced modern Cypress cultivars (Cupressus spp.) which has eroded the integrity and significance of this earlier palette. The Moreton Bay Fig (Ficus macrophylla) and Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia), located in the rear western car parking area and elevated courtyard terrace to the Edward Ford Building, are both individually significant specimens.
The Manning Road – Eastern Avenue group, located to the south of the Main Building and Quadrangle, includes three individually significant Port Jackson Figs (Ficus rubiginosa f. rubiginosa) and a Brush Box (Lophostemon confertus). Although not particularly large specimens, these trees would date from the earliest period of development. Two closely planted Eucalypts, a Sydney Blue Gum (Eucalyptus saligna) and possibly a closely related species, E. deanei occur in the forecourt to Manning House. These visually prominent specimens possibly date from the Post-War period.
The grounds of the University of Sydney contain an exceptional collection of significant trees, many of which are important elements in association with heritage listed buildings and road precincts. A number of places and items are scheduled on the Register of the National Estate, the State Heritage Register, City of Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 and classified by the National Trust of Australia (NSW). At a group level, the significant trees within the University are considered to be one of the City of Sydney’s more important collections in terms of the special combination of aesthetic, scientific, botanic, historic, social and commemorative values.
Many of these trees are of exceptional value, creating landscapes of high visual and aesthetic quality and a unique sense of place. The University’s significant trees are typically associated with the curtilage of historic buildings, building facades, boundaries to colleges and along the campus boundaries, ovals and sportsgrounds, internal roadways and pedestrian walkways, courtyards and a broad range of ancillary spaces. These trees tell the stories and aspirations of people. They also provide historic markers in the landscape, describing the way the campus developed over time and its close links with Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and Victoria Park (refer to other listings in this Register).
Historical notes
A large part of the collection dates from the mid- to late nineteenth century and reflects the eclectic thematic planting styles and various overlays of the period, particularly the influence of Charles Moore (Director, Royal Botanic Gardens 1848-1896) and the Macleay family. These nineteenth century landscapes contained strong structural elements. These trees have created a distinctive sense of place and continue to provide a rich legacy for the current and future generations of Sydney. They included consistent thematic planting palettes, row planting to boundaries, as well as informal clusters and groupings which combined to provide overall consistency, connectivity and integrity. During the Inter-War period (c. 1915-1940), Professor Leslie Wilkinson and Professor E.G. Waterhouse further influenced the landscape character of the University and introduced new elements which have now matured to become significant trees within this context.