The combined effect of these trees with their expansive and interlocking canopies creates a distinctive sense of enclosure and tranquillity to this part of the school grounds.
Other associated tree species in the grounds tend to be ancillary, supportive or neutral in value. The overall landscape quality is in stark contrast to the busy road corridor of Botany Road. This level of clustered fig planting within school grounds is relatively uncommon in the City of Sydney LGA. (refer to listing for Newtown Primary School, Newtown). The later self sown and introduced Celtis spp. and other trees detract from this group.
Although there are no individually significant specimens in this planting of nine Hill’s Weeping Figs (Ficus microcarpa var. hillii) at Green Square School, the group or cluster is significant at the local level in terms of visual, and social values.
Historical notes
The even-aged, informal group of figs possibly dates from the late 1950’s-1960’s period. This site, formerly Waterloo Public School, contains a two-storey Victorian Free Classical style building and single storey Victorian house and landscaping which are scheduled in the City of Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012.