About the register
We’re accepting nominations for new trees to be added to our register of significant trees. Find out how to make a nomination.
A total of 2,674 trees from 157 properties are listed in the latest Register of Significant Trees. These trees were selected on the basis of their historical, cultural, social, ecological or outstanding visual and aesthetic appeal.
They range from the monumental Moreton Bay Figs in the Domain to an overarching avenue of Golden Rain Trees in Surry Hills. These distinctive and often distinguished trees are part of our urban forest and integral to the environment, culture and heritage of the City of Sydney.
The purpose of the register is to:
- identify and recognise the importance of significant trees in the landscape
- guide their management
- ensure their protection for future generations.
The listed trees, which are located in streets, parks and private property throughout the City of Sydney, were nominated by the community and assessed by landscape and heritage experts. Each tree in the register meets one, or more, of the classification criteria.
Many of the listed trees are associated with important events, are rare or unusual species, or are simply majestic old specimens. Each tree has a story to tell, and we hope you enjoy reading about them.